The LIFE Program began in 2004 and is aimed at providing food security and increasing household income through horticulture, livestock management and agro forestry. Marketing strategies and gender awareness are themes that are mainstreamed throughout the program.

Long term students stay at the Centre for 6 months where they receive training, are provided with food and live in dormitories. At the end of the training, students receive a certificate and resettlement package with a 420 pound loan and links to micro-finance institutions. Students are to be able to begin their own agri-businesses and are given a grace period 6-18 months to begin paying back their loan.

For those who are not able to leave their homes for 6 months, they may participate in the short term program. Short term students attend 12 weekend workshops over a 12 month period that are held at the Centre. At the end of the training, students receive a certificate, a well and irrigation system on their property (through MMAP sponsorship) and fencing for land.